Stone Harbor Babysitting with Sitters at the Shore
Stone Harbor Babysitting with Sitters at the Shore is a premier sitting service. You may also know us by 7 Mile Sitters cause we service both Avalon, and Stone Harbor. When parents vacation in Stone Harbor, calling a babysitting service for a parent’s night out is ideal. Parents are comforted knowing that for the past 20 years Stone Harbor Babysitting with Sitters at the Shore has been the business to call upon. Sitters are ready, willing and able to care for children of all ages at any time. Just give a call or book on-line an Stone Harbor babysitter and you will be one of the many families calling every visit!
You can find the Intercoastal Waterway and the Atlantic Ocean for fun water sports and fishing on this awesome seven mile island. In addition to the island’s beautiful beaches, Stone Harbor abounds with pleasure boating opportunities including, chartered fishing vessels, party boats and other ocean going excursion boats. This Island is a seafaring adventure for sure!
Stone Harbor offers a number of special events at one of the most popular location, the Wetlands Institute. Family friendly eco tours, learning seminars, crafts and more is fun for kids 2-92.
Stone Harbor Babysitting with Sitters at the Shore is your first call so you can enjoy a kid free night.
Shop the street, that’s 96th street! You will enjoy great shopping for the whole family there!